Get new hires
up to speed remotely

Journey takes care of onboarding challenges even when new hires are remote

Connecting with co-workers is hard for remote new hires.

New hires, overwhelmed with manuals and training, can not understand what is business-critical.

New hires receive little guidance from supervisors or co-workers.

Journey 90-Days Onboarding in 90 Seconds


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How Journey Onboarding Works

See how Journey support managers and newcomers to clarify roles, establish networks, and retain business-critical knowledge.

1 Day to start

Make new hires feel welcomed

Deliver personalized experiences to your new hires, such as greeting new hires with a welcoming video from the CEO, the manager, or the team.

Day 1

Connect them with key contacts

Help your new hires immediately meet with business-critical co-workers even when everyone is remote.

Day 2

Guide their journey with Job-Readiness Plans

Coach your managers to prepare 90-day job-readiness plans. Let new hires focus on what is essential rather than dumping way too much information into their laps.

Day 14

Track Progress with Check-Ins

Send bi-weekly check-ins to new hires. Let managers easily see their new hire's progress with a few quick questions that track progress.

Unlock the best performance at your workforce

increase in
skills developed
increase in
increase in

Work with the tools you already use

With our integrations, you can seamlessly import employee data from your HRIS, log in with Single Sign-On, receive updates, add information, and much more.

Upskill Your Workforce with
On-the-Job Assignments

Get your free copy of “The Definitive Guide to Employee Development”